Introduction to Critical Code Theory

Ever since I read an interesting but mostly inaccurate article on Plato and Object-Oriented Programming over ten years ago on Code Project, I’ve wanted to do a series of blog posts on the relationship between philosophy (once my vocation) and coding (my current passion). Partly this was out of laziness, since there aren’t many people are familiar with both the phenomenological tradition in philosophy and the practice of software programming, so I thought it would be an easy way to say some obvious things about philosophy that might impress coders who didn’t know anything about it, on the one hand, and obvious things about how software is made that might impress philosophers, sociologists and the the lit crit crowd, on the other. But that never really happened, except in occasional blog post here, due to the laziness I referred to above.

So I’ve finally started a substack devoted to discussing code and critical theory as a separate project to be pursued diligently, while this blog will start to be devoted more to the straight forward discussion of spatial computing and how to code for spatial computing. In effect, I am separating theory from practice.

If the notion of a new discipline of  Critical Code Theory sounds interesting to you (or if you want to give input as to what Critical Code Theory ought to be and what it should cover) then I invite you to subscribe to my substack at .

I promise to be diligent about providing regular content through my substack newsletter. I also promise that in reading about critical theory applied to software code, you will gain a basic linguistic competence about the use of philosophical language in other critical disciplines and will gain a greater appreciation of the history and intricacies of these theoretical projects.

Please sign up for the newsletter; please tell your friends if you like what you read; please let me know in the comments to the Critical Code Theory substack if there are things you don’t like, or things you feel I get wrong about either the code or the theory. In other words, I invite you to be critical.

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