How Will Battlestar Galactica End?


I’m such a loser.  Hours away from the BSG finale and I am still blogging about code.

So how will Battlestar Galactica end tonight?  I am hoping for a classic Dallas ending.  Apollo wakes up on the 1978 Galactica from a nightmare in which he is a sociopath politician named Tom Zarek on an alternate Galactica in which Dr. Z is never found and Earth is a wasteland.  It turns out that this is part of an evil plot devised by Count Iblis, but Starbuck, Apollo, Boomer, Lieutenant Zack and Muffit, Boxey’s Daggit, foil Iblis’s scheme and bring sanity back to the Galactica.  When Apollo tells Starbuck about their intimate relationship in his dream, it creates some awkwardness, but they work it out in a game of pyrimid and then go down to the gambling planet to get good and sloshed.

Can’t wait ’till tonight when I get to see how close I am.  It’s definitely a Crystal and Courvoisier kind of evening.

WCF REST Starter Kit 2: Calling Twitter

The great power of the WCF REST starter Kit comes from allowing programmers to easily call pre-existing REST services written on non-Microsoft platforms.  Of those, Twitter is probably the most popular and easiest to understand.  In order to use twitter, we need at a bare minimum to be able to read tweets, to write tweets, and occasionally to delete a tweet.  Doing this also showcases the core structure of REST calls: they allow us to perform CRUD operations using the following web methods: GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.

The following example will use GET to read tweets, POST to insert tweets, and DELETE to remove tweets.

Ingredients: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (C#), WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2, a Twitter account

Sample: download (10 KB)

In this tutorial, I will walk you through building a simple Twitter command line application — I know, I know, Twitter from a console is what we’ve all been longing for!

This tutorial will use the techniques from the previous Getting Started post on WCF REST and expand on them to develop a “real world” application.

The first stop is the documentation on the Twitter API, which can be found here.  Based on the documentation, we can see that we want to call the friends_timeline resource in order to keep up with our twitter buddies.  We will want the update resource in order to insert new tweets.  We will also want the destroy resource so we can immediately delete tweets like “I am testing my console app”, “testing again”, “still testing 3”, etc.

Reading our friends’ tweets is the easiest part of all this.  The basic code looks like this:

var client = new HttpClient();


//set authentication credential

NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential(_userName, _password);

client.TransportSettings.Credentials = cred;


//set page parameter

var queryString = new HttpQueryString();

queryString.Add(“page”, page.ToString());


//call Twitter service

var response =


        new Uri(“”)

        , queryString);


var statuses = response.Content.ReadAsXmlSerializable<statuses>();

foreach (statusesStatus status in statuses.status)


    Console.WriteLine(string.Format(“{0}: {1}”


        , status.text));




Twitter uses basic authentication to identify users.  To insert this information into our header, we create a new Network Credential and just inject it into our HttpClient instance.  (_userName and _password are simply private static fields I created as placeholders.)  The service can also take a “page” parameter that identifies which page of our friends’ statuses we want to view.  This code uses the HttpQueryString type that comes with the Starter Kit to append this information.

The results should look something like this:


Probably the trickiest thing in getting this up and running is using Paste XML as Types from the Edit menu in order to generate the statuses class for deserialization.  To get the raw XML, you will need to browse to, at which point you will be prompted for your Twitter account name and password.  In my case, I then copied everything out of the browser and pasted it into notepad.  I then stripped out the XML declaration, as well as all the hyphens that IE puts in for readability.  Having too many status elements turned out to make Visual Studio cry, so I removed almost all of them leaving only two.  Leaving two turned out to be important, because this allowed the underlying Paste XML as Types code to know that we were dealing with an array of status elements and to generate our classes appropriately.  At the end of this exercise, I had a statuses class, statusesStatus, statusesStatusUser, and a few others.

Posting a twitter status is a little bit harder, partly due to the way the Twitter API implements it.  Here’s the basic code for that:

var client = new HttpClient();


//set authentication credential

NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential(_userName, _password);

client.TransportSettings.Credentials = cred;


//fix weird twitter problem

System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;


//send update

if (p.Length > 140) p = p.Substring(0, 140);

HttpContent body = HttpContent.Create(string.Format(“status={0}&source={1}”

    , HttpUtility.UrlEncode(p)

    , “CommandLineTwitterer”)

    , Encoding.UTF8

    , “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”);


var response = client.Post(“”, body);

Console.WriteLine(“Your tweet was twutted successfully.”);

This took a bit of trial and error to figure out, and in the end I just opened my Twitter home page with the Web Development Helper to see what the message was supposed to look like.  The Expect100Continue is needed to handle a change in Twitter’s API that showed up sometime at the beginning of the year, and which is explained here, here and here.

In order to make delete workable in a console application, I have tacked the following lines of code to the end of the status update method:

var status = response.Content.ReadAsXmlSerializable<status>();

_lastTweetId =;

which hangs onto the id of the successful tweet so the user can turn around and perform a DESTROY command in order to delete the previous tweet.


You will notice that in the above snippet, I am using a type called status instead of one the objects associated with statuses from the simple GET service call above.  It is actually identical to the statusesStatus type above.  I gen-ed the status class out of the response simply because I needed a class called “status” in order to map the XML element returned to a clr type.  An alternative way to do this is to add an XmlRoot attribute to the statusesStatus class in order to make the serialization work properly:



public partial class statusesStatus



This would allow us to write our deserialize code like this:

var status = response.Content.ReadAsXmlSerializable<statusesStatus>();

_lastTweetId =;

The delete code finishes off this recipe since it will demonstrate using one of the methods one rarely sees in typical REST examples (the other being PUT) .  It looks like this:


if (_lastTweetId == 0)



HttpClient client = new HttpClient();


//set authentication credential

NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential(_userName, _password);

client.TransportSettings.Credentials = cred;

HttpResponseMessage response = null;

response = client.Delete(


        , _lastTweetId)


In order to pull this all together and have a functioning app, you just need a simple processing method.  The main processing code here that interprets commands and calls the appropriate methods simply loops until the EXIT command is called:

static void Main(string[] args)


    if (!CheckArgsForCredentials(args))



    var input = string.Empty;

    while (input.ToUpper() != “EXIT”)


        input = ProcessInput(Console.ReadLine());




private static string ProcessInput(string input)


    //INPUT = READ

    if (input.ToUpper().IndexOf(“READ”) > -1)


        if (input.ToUpper().IndexOf(“PAGE”) > -1)


            var iPage = GetPageNumber(input);



        else if (input.ToUpper().IndexOf(“ME”) > -1)









    else if (input.ToUpper().IndexOf(“TWEET”) > -1)





    else if (input.ToUpper().IndexOf(“DESTROY”) > -1)




    return input;


This should give you everything you need to cobble together a simple Twitter client using the WCF REST Starter Kit.  Mention should be made of Aaron Skonnard’s excellent blog. After spending half a day on this I discovered that Aaron Skonnard had already written a much more succinct and elegant example of calling Twitter using the HttpClient.  I also found this cool example from Kirk Evans’s blog explaining how to accomplish the same thing using WCF without the HttpClient.

The full source code (10K) for this sample app has the properly generated types for deserialization as well as exception handling and status code handling, in case you run into any problems.  In order to run it, you will just need to add in the pertinent assemblies from the WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2.

Getting Started with the WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2 HttpClient

Ingredients: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (C#), WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2

In Preview 1 of the WCF REST Starter Kit, Microsoft provided many useful tools for building RESTful services using WCF.  Missing from those bits was a clean way to call REST services from the client.  In Preview 2, which was released on March 13th, this has been made up for with the HttpClient class and an add-in for the Visual Studio IDE called Paste XML as Types.

The following getting-started tutorial will demonstrate how to use the HttpClient class to call a simple RESTful service (in fact, we will use the default implementation generated by the POX service template).  If you haven’t downloaded and installed the WCF REST Starter Kit, yet, you can get Preview 2 here. You can read more about the Starter Kit on Ron Jacobs’ site.

The sample solution will include two projects, one for the client and one for the service. 

1. Start by creating a Console Application project and solution called RESTfulClient.

2. Add a new project to the RESTfulClient solution using the Http Plain XML WCF Service project template that was installed when you installed the Starter Kit.  Call your new project POXService. 

The most obvious value-added features of the WCF REST Starter Kit are the various new project templates that are installed to make writing RESTful services easier.  Besides the Http Plain XML WCF Service template, we also get the ATOM Publishing Protocol WCF Service, the ATOM Feed WCF Service, REST Collection WCF Service, REST Singleton WCF Service and good ol’ WCF Service Application.


For this recipe, we will just use the default service as it is. 

[WebHelp(Comment = “Sample description for GetData”)]

[WebGet(UriTemplate = “GetData?param1={i}&param2={s}”)]


public SampleResponseBody GetData(int i, string s)



   return new SampleResponseBody()


     Value = String.Format(“Sample GetData response:”   {0}’, ‘{1}'”, i, s)



For the most part, this is a pretty straightforward WCF Service Method.  There are some interesting additional elements, however, which are required to make the service REST-y.

(In a major break with convention, you will notice that the default service created by this template is called Service rather than Service1.  I, for one, welcome this change from our new insect overlords.)

The WebGet attribute, for instance, allows us to turn our service method into a REST resource accessed using the GET method.  The UriTemplate attribute parameter specifies the partial Uri for our resource, in this case GetData.  We also specify in the UriTemplate how parameters can be passed to our resource.  In this case, we will be using a query string to pass two parameters, param1 and param2.

By default, the template provides a Help resource for our service, accessed by going to http://localhost:<port>/Service.svc/Help .  It will automatically include a description of the structure of our service.  The WebHelp attribute allows us to add further notes about the GetData resource to the Help resource.

You will also notice that the GetData service method returns a SampleResponseBody object.  This is intended to make it explicit in our design that we are not making RPC’s.  Instead, we are receiving and returning messages (or documents, if you prefer).  In this case, the message we return is simply the serialized version of SimpleResponseBody, which is a custom type that is specified in the service.svc.cs file and which does not inherit from any other type.

public class SampleResponseBody
    public string Value { get; set; }

3. Right click on the PoxService project and select Debug | Start New Instance to see what our RESTful service looks like.  To see what the service does, you can browse to http://localhost:<port>/Service.svc/Help .  To see what the schema for our GetData resouce looks like, go to http://localhost:<port>/Service.svc/help/GetData/response/schema .  Finally, if you want to go ahead and call the GetData service, browse to http://localhost:<port>/Service.svc/GetData .

(In the rest of this tutorial, I will simply use  port 1300, with the understanding that you can specify your own port in the code.  By default, Visual Studio will randomly pick a port for you.  If you want to specify a particular port, however, you can go into the project properties of the PoxService project and select a specific port in the project properties Web tab.)

<SampleResponseBody xmlns:i="">
<Value>Sample GetData response: '0', ''</Value> 

4. Go to the RESTfulClient project and add a new class called SampleResponseBody.  We are going to create a type for deserializing our SampleResponseBody XML element.  We could write out the class by hand, and prior to Preview 2 we probably would have had to.  It is no longer necessary, however.  If you copy the XML returned from browsing our resource (you may need to use View Source in your browser to get a clean representation) at http://localhost:1300/Service.svc/GetData you can simply paste this into our SampleResponseBody.cs file by going to the Visual Studio Edit menu and selecting Paste XML to Types.  To get all the necessary types in one blow, you can also go to http://localhost:1300/Service.svc/Help and use Paste XML to Types.  As a third alternative, just copy the XML above and try Paste XML to Types in your SampleResponseBody class.  However you decide to do it, you are now in a position to translate XML into CLR types.

Your generated class should look like this:

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute(“System.Xml”, “2.0.50727.3053”)]


[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true)]

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = “”, IsNullable = false)]

public partial class SampleResponseBody



        private string valueField;


        /// <remarks/>

        public string Value




                return this.valueField;




                this.valueField = value;





5.  Next, we need to add the Starter Kit assemblies to our console application.  The default location for these assemblies is C:\Program Files\Microsoft WCF REST\WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2\Assemblies .  The two assemblies we need for the client are Microsoft.Http.dll and Microsoft.Http.Extensions.dll .  (I happen to like to copy CodePlex bits like these into a folder in the My Documents\Visual Studio 2008 directory, to make it relatively easier to track drop versions).

6. We will now finally add some code to call call our GetData resource using the HttpClient class.  The following code will simply prompt the user to hit {Enter} to call the resource.  It will then return the deserialized message from the resource and prompt the user to hit {Enter} again.  Add the following using references to your Program.cs file:

using Microsoft.Http;

using System.Xml.Serialization;

  Now place the following code in the Main() method of Program.cs:

static void Main(string[] args)


    Console.WriteLine(“Press {enter} to call service:”);



    var client = new HttpClient(http://localhost:1300/Service.svc/);

    HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get(“GetData”);


    var b = response.Content.ReadAsXmlSerializable<SampleResponseBody>();





Both the Get request and the deserialization are simple.  We pass a base address for our service to the HttpClient constructor.  We then call the HttpClient’s Get method and pass the path to the resource we want (in true REST idiom, PUT, DELETE and POST are some additional methods on HttpClient).

The deserialization, in turn, only requires one line of code.  We call the Content property of the HttpResponseMessage instance returned by Get() to retrieve an HttpContent instance, then call its generic ReadAsXmlSerializable method to deserialize the XML message into our SampleResponseBody type.

While you could previously do this using WCF and deserialization, or even the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse types and an XML parser, this is significantly easier.




7. If you recall, the signature of the GetData service method actually takes two parameters, an integer and a string.  When translated into a REST resource, the parameters are passed in a query string.  To complete this example, we might want to go ahead and pass these parameters to our GetData resource.  To do so, replace the code above with the following:

static void Main(string[] args)


    Console.WriteLine(“Enter a number:”);

    int myInt;

    Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out myInt);


    Console.WriteLine(“Enter a string:”);

    var myString = Console.ReadLine();


    var q = new HttpQueryString();

    q.Add(“param1”, myInt.ToString());

    q.Add(“param2”, myString);


    var client = new HttpClient(“http://localhost:1300/Service.svc/”);

    HttpResponseMessage response = client.Get(new Uri(client.BaseAddress + “GetData”), q);

    var b = response.Content.ReadAsXmlSerializable<SampleResponseBody>();



    Console.WriteLine(“Press {enter} to end.”);



The first block asks for a number and we verify that a number was indeed submitted.  The next block requests a string.

The third block creates an HttpQueryString instance using our console inputs.

The important code is in the fourth block.  You will notice that we use a different overload for the Get method this time.  It turns out that the only overload that accepts a query string requires a Uri for its first parameter rather than a partial Uri string.  To keep things simple, I’ve simply concatenated “GetData” with the BaseAddress we previously passed in the constructor (this does not overwrite the BaseAddress, in case you were wondering).  We could have also simply performed a string concatenation like this, of course:

HttpResponseMessage response =

client.Get(string.Format(“GetData?param1={0}&param2={1}”,myInt.ToString(), myString));

but using the HttpQueryString type strikes me as being somewhat cleaner. 

If you run the console app now, it should look something like this:



And that’s how we do RESTful WCF as of Friday, March 13th, 2009. 

To see how we used to do it prior to March 13th, please see this excellent blog post by Pedram Rezai from April of last year.




All rational people will agree …


In the Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Kant argues that moral actions are the actions of an autonomous will, and that an autonomous will is a will that is determined by reason alone.  Moral actions, additionally, follow the form of being universalizable, hence Kant finds in rationality a confirmation of the Golden Rule: when you do unto others as you would have them do unto you, you are behaving in a manner that can be universalized for all mankind.

In the years following Kant’s death, the notion that all rational people, when they are being rational, will consistently agree with certain propositions has fallen somewhat into disfavor.  This has reached the point that Habermas, perhaps one of the last post-modern defenders of some form of Kantian morality, argues that while it was presumptuous for Kant to make claims about what rationality looks like, we should still work towards some sort of ideal speech community which removes all biases and personal ambitions from the process of communication; this would de facto be the closest thing we can get to our ideal of pure reason, at which point we let them tell us what all rational people ought to believe.

And so you will not often see the phrase ‘all rational people agree’ in print much, these days, though back-in-the-day it was a commonplace.  Still, old habits die hard, and in its place we often find the phrase ‘most people agree’ in its place, with the implication that the “most people” we are talking about are the “rational people.”

I was recently trying to find a good article on Dependency Injection for a colleague and came across this one on MSDN, which unfortunately begins:

“Few would disagree that striving for a loosely coupled design is a bad thing.”

I assume that the author originally intended to say “Most would agree that striving for a loosely coupled design is a good thing.”   He then attempted to negate the statement for emphasis, but managed to over-negate, and failed to see that “few would disagree” is the apposite of “many would agree”, rather than its opposite.

In fact someone mentioned this to the author on his personal blog, but the author averred that this was just a Canadianism and not actually a mistake.

Be that as it may, it recalls a problem with logical quantifiers and natural language.  In the classic square of opposition (which sounds like a perverse political system but is simply a diagram that explains the complex relationship between universal propositions and existential ones) we are reminded that while universal affirmative propositions are contrary to universal negations, they are not contradictory.

If an A proposition, for instance ‘All rational people agree that X’, is true, then the contrary E proposition, ‘No rational people agree that X’ must necessarily be false, and vice-versa.  However, these are not contradictory propositions since both can actually be false.

The contradiction of A is the existential proposition (O), ‘Some rational people don’t agree that X’, just as the contradiction of E is I, ‘Some rational people agree that X.’  If A is false, then O is necessarily true; if O is false, then A is true; and either A or O must be true.

What cannot be easily resolved into logical formalism are the grammatical quantifiers ‘many’ and ‘few’.   Are ‘many’ and ‘few’ contradictory or merely contrary (or, God forbid, even subcontrary)?

What we can all agree on is the fact that english idioms are sometimes difficult to work with, and that this is particularly true when we attempt to formulate complex relationships between quantifiers.  Take, for instance, Abraham Lincoln’s famous epigram (which he possibly never uttered):

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all the time.

I actually have trouble understanding the logic of this argument, and take exception with the first and second premises for the same reason that I take exception with statements about what all rational people agree on.  However I find myself so in agreement with the conclusion, as most people do, that I tend to overlook the manner in which we arrive at it.

Or take this one, from Tolkien’s novel:

I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.

It simply cannot be formalized into first-order logic.  Yet, remarkably, we manage to understand it — or at least most of us do.

In the movie Shrek the Third, there is this exchange, which plays on the difficulties of universal negation (O propositions brought to you by IMDB):

Prince Charming: You! You can’t lie! So tell me puppet… where… is… Shrek?
Pinocchio: Uh. Hmm, well, uh, I don’t know where he’s not
Prince Charming: You’re telling me you don’t know where Shrek is?
Pinocchio: It wouldn’t be inaccurate to assume that I couldn’t exactly not say that it is or isn’t almost partially incorrect.
Prince Charming: So you do know where he is!
Pinocchio: On the contrary. I’m possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way with any amount of uncertainty that I undeniably
Prince Charming: Stop it!
Pinocchio: …do or do not know where he shouldn’t probably be, if that indeed wasn’t where he isn’t. Even if he wasn’t at where I knew he was
[Pigs and Gingerbread Man begin singing]
Pinocchio: That’d mean I’d really have to know where he wasn’t.

In California, for safety reasons, the following law is apparently on the books:

The law says that nothing “shall be so designed and installed that it cannot, even in cases of failure, impede or prevent emergency use of such exit.”

H. L. Mencken provides several canonical examples of double negation in his book The American Language in order to demonstrate that it was once more common and better accepted, especially when English was closer to it’s inflected roots.  Thus Chaucer writes in The Knight’s Tale:

He nevere yet no vileynye ne sayde
In al his lyf unto no maner wight.

Shakespeare was no sloucher, neither, and Mencken cites several examples:

In “Richard III” one finds “I never was nor never will be”; in “Measure for Measure,” “harp not on that nor do not banish treason,” and in “Romeo and Juliet,” “thou expectedst not, nor I looked not for.”

At the same time, Shakespeare was also a genius at presenting universal negation in a manner fit to please Hegel when the Prince of Denmark soliloquizes:

To be, or not to be

while in King Lear,  in turn, the Bard’s use of universal affirmation is so fitting that any reasonable person would acknowledge it:

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;

RESTful WCF at Atlanta Code Camp


This past Saturday was the Atlanta Code Camp.  I want to be make a point of thanking Cliff Jacobson, Dan Attis, Doug Ware, Glen Gordon, Jeff Ammons and all the other organizers who made this a brilliant event.

My company, Magenic Technologies, presented at seven of the sessions this year. 

Sergey Barskiy, who was a developer on the CSLA-Lite team, presented on Building Silverlight Business Applications using CSLA.NET for Silverlight.

Whitney Weaver, another of our principal consultants and a master of all things data, spoke on What’s my data doing while I sleep? Tracking data changes in SQL Server 2008.

Colin Whitlatch presented an Introduction to ASP.NET MVC, and is planning to extend his presentation over the next few weeks on his blog, where he will be digging deep into ASP.NET MVC and helping others to do the same.

Jason Rainwater needs a blog, because he is currently one of the best WPF experts in Atlanta and there aren’t enough venues at this point for him to show off everything he knows.  He did two presentations this year: WPF Custom Controls and WPF DataBinding.

I presented on REST-ful WCF (the hyphen is a personal grammatical quirk rather than any attempt to make a philosophical point) and Mocking with Rhino Mocks and TypeMock: A Head-to-head Comparison.  I also got to make a short app-dev appearance in Tejas Patel’s Use of data mining controls with ASP.NET presentation.

As promised to the attendees, I’m making the code samples and slide-decks available.  Please excuse the lack of organization in the code — it’s pretty much just what I was writing while I was on-stage, but should be helpful if anyone is looking for samples.  All the code uses Visual Studio 2008.  The mocking samples will require that you have the appropriate dll’s for Rhino Mocks, which is free,  and TypeMock Isolator, which has a 30-day trial.

I am indebted to Pedram Rezaei for getting me started on the WCF-to-Flikr sample.

The Rest-ful WCF slide-deck and code can be downloaded here.

The Mocking powerpoint and samples are available here.

On Culture

My wife and I performed a small experiment this weekend when we took our three children to the symphony.  According to Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner’s book, Freakonomics, children who are taken to concerts and art museums are not statistically advantaged by this activity.  However, in an interesting twist on the theological debate between justification by faith and justification by works, the authors claim that children who are parented by the sort of people who take their progeny to cultural events and fill their homes with books are indeed statistically advantaged.  Taking this to mean that good intentions are at least of equal value to good works (and what more can you ask of the parents of three children), we exercised our good intentions at the ASO’s performance with Jennifer Koh.

Sasha, the oldest (10), found the whole performance to be a waste of time.  Paul (8) and Sophia (6) were quite taken with Wagner’s Liebestod from Tristan and Isolde.  They found Jennifer Higdon’s The Singing Rooms to be considerably more challenging, however, as did their father. 

Ms. Koh’s performance was magnificent, of course, but the center of attraction for us was the Stradivarius on which she played.  I’ve never heard one live before.  Paul kept asking why it was so special and all I could think to say was that the ex-General Dupont is almost three hundred years old.  This duly impressed my son.  What speaks more on culture’s behalf, after all, than it’s gray-haired hoariness.

Perhaps it is an indication of my low-tastes, but as I watched this performance I kept thinking about how much I enjoyed the last performance I had seen at Atlanta Symphony Hall, Cirque de la Symphonie.  The music at that concert tended towards the romantic, from Saint-Saëns to Ravel.  While the orchestra performed on their instruments, the acrobats plied their art on their bodies by defying gravity in the air as well as defying basic physiology through acts of contortion.  Two acts stood out especially. 

Jaroslaw Marciniak and Dariusz Wronski entered the stage bald, in loin-cloths, and painted gold from head to toe.  They proceeded to lift, pin and balance off of each other in what I took to be an extended demonstration of Euclid’s 47th proposition, with each brief suspension being a prelude to the final revelation. 

Even more impressive was Elena Tsarkova’s contortion and balancing act.  All of it was remarkable, but at one point she stood on her head with her legs extended upward.  She then spread her legs out to be almost perfectly perpendicular to the rest of her body.  At this point something uncanny happened, but so quickly that I had to ask my wife if she had just seen something.  We couldn’t quite put words to what we had witnessed, and the best I could come up with was “ululation”.  There was an ululation in her legs which looked like the small wave some people can make with their shoulders.  It was breathtaking.

Following the Higdon performance came the intermission.  We took advantage of this natural break to sneak out and hunt for a decent milkshake in Atlanta.  The kids had earned it.  They behaved extremely well at the symphony.

Not a User Error: Moving my DasBlog directory

If your rss feed reader just went crazy over my site, I apologize.  I recently moved my blog from the application root to a subdirectory in order to allow other .NET applications to run properly in other subdirectories.

In order to make the imaginativeuniversal site still work with searches that expect to find content at the old location, I had to create an HttpHandler to redirect page requests to the “/blog” subdirectory, including requests for the rss feed.  This had some unintended results, such as republishing all the old rss entries.

This was a migration of a DasBlog application to another directory.  Should anyone be interested, this is how I wrote the HttpHandler CategoryHandler to redirect all requests to the root to my “/blog” subdirectory:

using System;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;


namespace IUHandlers


    public class CategoryHandler : IHttpHandler



        public bool IsReusable


            get { return true; }



        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)


            string path = context.Request.Path;

            string syndicationPath = “/SyndicationService.asmx”;

            if (path.IndexOf(“/blog”) == -1)



                int lastSlash = path.LastIndexOf(‘/’);

                string pre = path.Substring(0, lastSlash);

                string post = path.Substring(lastSlash);

                if (path.IndexOf(syndicationPath

                    ,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) > -1)


                    post = syndicationPath + post;


                context.Response.Redirect(“~/blog” + post);





I compiled my handler and placed it in the bin folder at the root of my site.  I then added a web.config file to the root with this setting:


      <add verb=GET path=*.asmx type=IUHandlers.CategoryHandler, IUHandlers/>

      <add verb=GET path=*.aspx type=IUHandlers.CategoryHandler, IUHandlers/>

This allows me to run other ASP.NET applications beneath the root directory of my site as long as I remember to add the following two settings to each of their web.config files:


      <remove verb=GET path=*.asmx/>

      <remove verb=GET path=*.aspx/>

I’m not sure if it’s the most elegant solution, but it seemed to do the job.



Out of the Medieval intellectual battles between Realists and Nominalists, one of the more interesting fruits to fall was Duns Scotus’s notion of Haecceity (this-ness), which in modern philosophy is often reformulated as a person’s essence.  Possibly against a straw-man, Scotus argued that those who sought after the principle of Quiddity (what-ness) were misguided.  The truly interesting question is not how quiddity is possible, but rather how the individuation of universals is possible.  In other words, rather than look into how we know that Socrates is a man, we should examine how the concept of ‘man’ can be broken up in such a way that gives us a Socrates.

Another way of looking at this is in terms of Porphyry’s tree.  Each genus can be divided by a differentia into species.  For instance a Substance can be either be extended or not.  If it is, then it is a a Body.  A Body can be animate or not and if so it is an Animal.  An Animal, if rational, is in turn a Human Being.  But what is the differentia that produces an individual like Plato or Socrates?

For Scotus, this differentia is a person’s haecceity.   An interesting marginal note to a person’s haecceity is that we cannot have a adequate word for a person’s this-ness.  Words fail.  The only clear way to indicate haecceity is by extending one’s finger and pointing.  Saying “this guy” tells us nothing unless we accompany the words with a gesture to represent ‘this guy’s’ haecceity.

My haecceity for the week includes unexpectedly finding out that I passed a Microsoft certification exam.  I had taken Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications using Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (exam 565 for short) back in November and had forgotten about it until I received notice a week ago that I had actually passed it.

Then last Thursday I did an internal presentation for Magenic on the new Prism V2 framework.  This was rather fun, thanks to my colleagues Sergey Barskiy, Colin Whitlatch, Tim Price-Williams and Wells Caughey, who helped me start taking the technology apart.

On Friday I received a request to do a brief presentation for the MS Pro’s user group.  I took the short notice as license to do something a bit off beat and ended up presenting on “The Medieval Problem of Universals and Object-Oriented Programming.”  The audience was remarkably gracious about the whole thing.   For me it was a perfect evening which started with lunch at the bar of Pappadeux with Wally McClure, the host of the ASP.NET podcast, over martinis and oysters and ended with presenting on, all things considered, a slightly mad and rather dry topic — the kind I learned to love in grad school.

The 3rd of March, furthermore, marks one year since the wonderful Carole Cuthbertson formally offered me a job with Magenic Technologies.  It is without a doubt the best job I’ve ever had.

Finally, what has two thumbs and a birthday today?

This guy.

Playing with the Kindle 2’s Web Browser


I have been spending the day trying to upload PDF’s from my safaribooksonline account to my Kindle, so far without much success.  Mobipocket Creator, which is recommended for converting various file formats to the Mobi format used by the Kindle, seems to get mixed up over the images.  I am currently trying to see if’s converter handles them any better.

On the other hand, I’ve found that the new site works fairly well on the Kindle’s simplified browser (though not perfectly).  I can access my bookshelf and browse through my books.

The Basic Web browser seems very well suited for twittering, though. You can access your twitter account on the Kindle by going through

To access the Basic Web browser on the Kindle, click on the Menu button from your home page.  Then select Experimental.  From the Experimental page, you will be able to start the Basic Web browser, which lets you search google, search Wikipedia, or simply browse to a url.

Also, contrary to my expectations, the Text-to-Speech feature on the Kindle 2 is actually rather good.  It even attempts to modify intonation based on the sentence structure.  Still not up to Morgan Freeman standards, however.