48% of Americans Reject Darwinian Evolution


A new Newsweek poll reveals frightening data about the curious disjunct between faith and science among Americans.  Pundits have attributed these results to anything from poor science education in pre-K programs to global warming.  According to the poll, while 51% percent of Americans still ascribe to Darwin’s theory of gradual evolution through adaptation, an amazing 42% continue to cleave to Lamarkianism, while only 6% believe in Punctuated Equilibrium. 1% remain uncommitted and are waiting to hear more before they come to a final decision.

This has led me to wonder what else Americans believe:

The 2002 Roper Poll found that 48% of americans believe in UFO’s, while 37% believe that there has been first hand contact between aliens and humans.  25% of Americans believe in alien abductions, while approximately 33% believe that humans are the only intelligent life in the universe, and that all the UFO stuff is bunk.

The 33% of people who ascribe to the anthropocentric view of the universe corresponds numerically with the 33% of Americans who opposed the recent deadline for troop withdrawal from Iraq (PEW Research center poll).   According to the Gallup poll, in 1996 33% of Americans thought they would become rich someday.  By 2003, this number had dropped to 31%.  According to a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll, 33% of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East.  A Harris poll discovered that in 2004, 33% of adult Americans considered themselves Democrats.

PEW says that as of 2004, 33 million American internet users had reviewed or rated something as part of an online rating system.  33 million Americans were living in povery in 2001, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.  According to PEW, in 2006 33 million Americans had heard of VOIP.  Each year, 33 million Americans use mental health services or services to treat their problems and illnesses resluting from alcohol, inappropirate use of prescription medications, or illegal drugs.  The New York Times says that out of 33 countries, Americans are least likely to believe in evolution.  Researchers estimate that 33% of Americans born in 2000 will develop diabetes.  In the same year, 33 million Americans lost their jobs.

CBS pollsters discovered that 22% of Americans have seen or felt the presence of a ghost.  48% believe in ghosts.  ICR says 48% of Americans oppose embryonic stem-cell research.  CBS finds that 61% support embryonic stem-cell research.  There is no poll data available on whether they believe that embryos used for stem-cell research will one day become ghosts themselves.

82% of Americans believe that global warming is occuring, according to Fox News/Opinion Dynamics.  79% believe people’s behavior has contributed to global warming.  89% do not believe the U.S. government staged or faked the Apollo moon landing, according to Gallup.  Gallup also found that 41% of Americans believe in ESP, 25% believe in Astrology, 20% believe in reincarnation, while only 9% believe in channeling.  A USA TODAY/ABC News/Stanford University Medical Center poll found that 5% of American adults have turned to acupuncture for pain relief.

According to Gallup, 44% of Americans go out of their way to see movies starring Tom Hanks.  34% go out of their way to avoid movies starring Tom Cruise.  Only 18% go out of their way to avoid Angelina Jolie.

philosophia perennis

In the Valentine’s edition of The New Yorker, there was a rather nice portrait by Larissa MacFarquhar of Paul and Pat Churchland, connubial philosophers of the mind-body problem at UC San Diego.  For years they have been basically decrying in the wilderness against the way that philosophy of mind was being done without any regard for the experimental data being produced by studies in neurophysiology.  In the article, Pat Churchland says this prevalent approach was the result of Anglo-American common language philosophy, which holds that the object of philosophy is to clarify our ideas by analyizing language. The problem, as she sees it, is that clarifying incorrect notions about the relationship between mind and body does not get us to truth, but rather leads us simply to have sophisticated bad ideas.  The mind-body problem had become a problematic (to borrow from Foucault), when the evidence from neurophysiology was very clear — there is the brain and that’s it.  Everything else is language games.

The article continues on a disappointed note:

These days, many philosophers give Pat credit for admonishing them that a person who wants to think seriously about the mind-body problem has to pay attention to the brain.  But this acknowledgment is not always extended to Pat herself, or to the work she does now.


The common language philosophy that Pat Churchland critisizes has its roots in german philosophy and the general post-Kantian diminishing of the relevance of Metaphysics.  The deathknell for metaphysics in the 20th century may have arrived with Wittgenstein’s pronouncement in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus that  “[w]ovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.”  There are different ways to take this, of course, one of which is to say that, as with the dove-tailing of Kant’s first and second critiques, it delimits metaphysics in order to make room for faith (or occultism, or theosophy, or whatever).

The other is that it states what is already well known, that Metaphysic is dead, and there is nothing more to say about her.  But if philosophers can no longer talk about metaphysics, then what shall they talk about?  For years in Anglo-American philosophy, they talked about language.  Instead of the relation between appearance and reality in the world, they talked about appearance and meaning in language instead.  What the Churchlands found disturbing about this was that this seemed simply to be a way to practice metaphysics underground.  Philosophers could dismiss metaphysics on the one hand, but then reintroduce it in their conversations about language instead — though insisting that all they were doing was discussing how we talk about metaphysical notions, not metaphysics itself.  Like vampire hunters to the rescue (though under-appreciated, as indicated above) the Churchlands moved in and reapplied Wittgenstein’s dictum to this underground metaphysics.  I like to think of them as latter day versions of Maximus the Confessor, pointing out that the compromise monothelite christology was in fact simply the monophysite heresy under a new guise.  Claiming that Christ has two natures but one will is no better than claiming that he has one nature.  Claiming that mind and body are the same in the world but separated in language is no better than claiming that they are different in the world, also.

The natural endpoint for the Churchlands is, then, to make our language conform to the world, in order to remove these errors of thought.

One afternoon recently, Paul says, he was home making dinner when Pat burst in the door, having come straight from a frustrating faculty meeting. “She said, ‘Paul, don’t speak to me, my serotonin levels have hit bottom, my brain is awash in glucocorticoids, my blood vessels are full of adrenaline, and if it weren’t for my endogenous opiates I’d have driven the car into a tree on the way home.  My dopamine levels need lifting.  Pour me a Chardonnay, and I’ll be down in a minute.'”  Paul and Pat have noticed that it is not just they who talk this way — their students now talk of psychopharmacology as comfortably as of food.


But if we cannot do metaphysics, and we should not even talk of it anymore, what should philosophers do with themselves?  Open Court Press may have found an answer with their Popular Culture and Philosophy series.  Not all the books listed below are from their press, but they do emphasize the point that if we cannot speak of metaphysics, that is if we cannot use philosophy to go beyond what we already know, then we ought to use her instead to explore those things that we are familiar with.  We should practice the perennial philosophy.

  1. The Beatles and Philosophy
  2. Monty Python and Philosophy
  3. U2 and Philosophy
  4. Undead and Philosophy
  5. Bob Dylan and Philosophy
  6. The Simpsons and Philosophy
  7. Harry Potter and Philosophy
  8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy
  9. James Bond and Philosophy
  10. The Sopranos and Philosophy
  11. Star Wars and Philosophy
  12. Baseball and Philosophy
  13. The Matrix and Philosophy
  14. More Matrix and Philosophy
  15. Woody Allen and Philosophy
  16. South Park and Philosophy
  17. The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy
  18. Poker and Philosophy
  19. Hip-Hop and Philosophy
  20. Basketball and Philosophy
  21. Hitchcock and Philosophy
  22. The Atkins Diet and Philosophy
  23. Superheroes and Philosophy
  24. Harley-Davidson and Philosophy
  25. The Grateful Dead and Philosophy
  26. Seinfeld and Philosophy
  27. Mel Gibson’s Passion and Philosophy
  28. The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy
  29. Bullshit and Philosophy
  30. Johnny Cash and Philosophy

Do Computers Read Electric Books?

In the comments section of a blog I like to frequent, I have been pointed to an article in the International Herald about Pierre Bayard’s new book,  How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read.

Bayard recommends strategies such as abstractly praising the book, offering silent empathy regarding someone else’s love for the book, discussing other books related to the book in question, and finally simply talking about oneself.  Additionally, one can usually glean enough information from reviews, book jackets and gossip to sustain the discussion for quite a while.

Students, he noted from experience, are skilled at opining about books they have not read, building on elements he may have provided them in a lecture. This approach can also work in the more exposed arena of social gatherings: the book’s cover, reviews and other public reaction to it, gossip about the author and even the ongoing conversation can all provide food for sounding informed.

I’ve recently been looking through some AI experiments built on language scripts, based on the 1966 software program Eliza, which used a small script of canned questions to maintain a conversation with computer users.  You can play a web version of Eliza here, if you wish.  It should be pointed out that the principles behind Eliza are the same as those that underpin the famous Turing Test.  Turing proposed answering the question can machines think by staging an ongoing experiment to see if machines can imitate thinking.  The proposal was made in his 1950 paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence:

The new form of the problem can be described in terms of a game which we call the ‘imitation game.” It is played with three people, a man (A), a woman (B), and an interrogator (C) who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart front the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. He knows them by labels X and Y, and at the end of the game he says either “X is A and Y is B” or “X is B and Y is A.” The interrogator is allowed to put questions to A and B thus:

C: Will X please tell me the length of his or her hair?

Now suppose X is actually A, then A must answer. It is A’s object in the game to try and cause C to make the wrong identification. His answer might therefore be:

“My hair is shingled, and the longest strands are about nine inches long.”

In order that tones of voice may not help the interrogator the answers should be written, or better still, typewritten. The ideal arrangement is to have a teleprinter communicating between the two rooms. Alternatively the question and answers can be repeated by an intermediary. The object of the game for the third player (B) is to help the interrogator. The best strategy for her is probably to give truthful answers. She can add such things as “I am the woman, don’t listen to him!” to her answers, but it will avail nothing as the man can make similar remarks.

We now ask the question, “What will happen when a machine takes the part of A in this game?” Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman? These questions replace our original, “Can machines think?”

The standard form of the current Turing experiments is something called a chatterbox application.  Chatterboxes abstract the mechanism for generating dialog from the dialog scripts themselves by utilizing a set of rules written in a common format.  The most popular format happens to be an XML standard called AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language).

What I’m interested in, at the moment, is not so much whether I can write a script that will fool people into thinking they are talking with a real person, but rather whether I can write a script that makes small talk by discussing the latest book.  If I can do this, it should validate Pierre Bayard’s proposal, if not Alan Turing’s.

Speech Recognition And Synthesis Managed APIs in Windows Vista: Part III

Voice command technology, as exemplified in Part II, is probably the most useful and most easy to implement aspect of the Speech Recognition functionality provided by Vista.  In a few days of work, any current application can be enabled to use it, and the potential for streamlining workflow and making it more efficient is truly breathtaking.  The cool factor, of course, is also very high.

Having grown up watching Star Trek reruns, however, I can’t help but feel that the dictation functionality is much more interesting than the voice command functionality.  Computers are meant to be talked to and told what to do, as in that venerable TV series, not cajoled into doing tricks for us based on finger motions over a typewriter.  My long-term goal is to be able to code by talking into my IDE in order to build UML diagrams and then, at a word, turn that into an application.  What a brave new world that will be.  Toward that end, the SR managed API provides the DictationGrammar class.

Whereas the Grammar class works as a gatekeeper, restricting the phrases that get through to the speech recognized handler down to a select set of rules, the DictateGrammar class, by default, kicks out the jams and lets all phrases through to the recognized handler.

In order to make Speechpad a dictation application, we will add the default DicatateGrammar object to the list of grammars used by our speech recognition engine.  We will also add a toggle menu item to turn dictation on and off.  Finally, we will alter the SpeechToAction() method in order to insert any phrases that are not voice commands into the current Speechpad document as text.  Create an local instance of DictateGrammar for our Main form, and then instantiate it in the Main constructor.  Your code should look like this:

	#region Local Members
        private SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = null;
        private string selectedVoice = string.Empty;
        private SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = null;
        private DictationGrammar dictationGrammar = null;
        public Main()
            synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer();
            recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();
            dictationGrammar = new DictationGrammar();

Create a new menu item under the Speech menu and label it “Take Dictation“.  Name it takeDictationMenuItem for convenience. Add a handler for the click event of the new menu item, and stub out TurnDictationOn() and TurnDictationOff() methods.  TurnDictationOn() works by loading the local dictationGrammar object into the speech recognition engine. It also needs to turn speech recognition on if it is currently off, since dictation will not work if the speech recognition engine is disabled. TurnDictationOff() simply removes the local dictationGrammar object from the speech recognition engine’s list of grammars.

        private void takeDictationMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.takeDictationMenuItem.Checked)

        private void TurnDictationOn()
            if (!speechRecognitionMenuItem.Checked)
            takeDictationMenuItem.Checked = true;

        private void TurnDictationOff()
            if (dictationGrammar != null)
            takeDictationMenuItem.Checked = false;

For an extra touch of elegance, alter the TurnSpeechRecognitionOff() method by adding a line of code to turndictation off when speech recognition is disabled:


Finally, we need to update the SpeechToAction() method so it will insert any text that is not a voice command into the current Speechpad document.  Use the default statement of the switch control block to call the InsertText() method of the current document.

        private void SpeechToAction(string text)
            TextDocument document = ActiveMdiChild as TextDocument;
            if (document != null)
                switch (text)
                    case "cut":
                    case "copy":
                    case "paste":
                    case "delete":


With that, we complete the speech recognition functionality for Speechpad. Now try it out. Open a new Speechpad document and type “Hello World.”  Turn on speech recognition.  Select “Hello” and say delete.  Turn on dictation.  Say brave new.

This tutorial has demonstrated the essential code required to use speech synthesis, voice commands, and dictation in your .Net 2.0 Vista applications.  It can serve as the basis for building speech recognition tools that take advantage of default as well as custom grammar rules to build adanced application interfaces.  Besides the strange compatibility issues between Vista and Visual Studio, at the moment the greatest hurdle to using the Vista managed speech recognition API is the remarkable dearth of documentation and samples.  This tutorial is intended to help alleviate that problem by providing a hands on introduction to this fascinating technology.

Speech Recognition And Synthesis Managed APIs In Windows Vista: Part II

Playing with the speech synthesizer is a lot of fun for about five minutes (ten if you have both Microsoft Anna and Microsoft Lila to work with)  — but after typing “Hello World” into your Speechpad document for the umpteenth time, you may want to do something a bit more challenging.  If you do, then it is time to plug in your expensive microphone, since speech recognition really works best with a good expensive microphone.  If you don’t have one, however, then go ahead and plug in a cheap microphone.  My cheap microphone seems to work fine.  If you don’t have a cheap microphone, either, I have heard that you can take a speaker and plug it into the mic jack of your computer, and if that doesn’t cause an explosion, you can try talking into it.

While speech synthesis may be useful for certain specialized applications, voice commands, by cantrast, are a feature that can be used to enrich any current WinForms application. With the SR Managed API, it is also easy to implement once you understand certain concepts such as the Grammar class and the SpeechRecognitionEngine.

We will begin by declaring a local instance of the speech engine and initializing it. 

	#region Local Members

private SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = null;
private string selectedVoice = string.Empty;
private SpeechRecognitionEngine recognizer = null;


public Main()
synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer();
recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine();

private void InitializeSpeechRecognitionEngine()
Grammar customGrammar = CreateCustomGrammar();
recognizer.SpeechRecognized +=
new EventHandler<SpeechRecognizedEventArgs>(recognizer_SpeechRecognized);
recognizer.SpeechHypothesized +=
new EventHandler<SpeechHypothesizedEventArgs>(recognizer_SpeechHypothesized);

private Grammar CreateCustomGrammar()
GrammarBuilder grammarBuilder = new GrammarBuilder();
grammarBuilder.Append(new Choices(“cut”, “copy”, “paste”, “delete”));
return new Grammar(grammarBuilder);

The speech recognition engine is the main workhorse of the speech recognition functionality.  At one end, we configure the input device that the engine will listen on.  In this case, we use the default device (whatever you have plugged in), though we can also select other inputs, such as specific wave files.  At the other end, we capture two events thrown by our speech recognition engine.  As the engine attempts to interpret the incoming sound stream, it will throw various “hypotheses” about what it thinks is the correct rendering of the speech input.  When it finally determines the correct value, and matches it to a value in the associated grammar objects, it throws a speech recognized event, rather than a speech hypothesized event.  If the determined word or phrase does not have a match in any associated grammar, a speech recognition rejected event (which we do not use in the present project) will be thrown instead.

In between, we set up rules to determine which words and phrases will throw a speech recognized event by configuring a Grammar object and associating it with our instance of the speech recognition engine.  In the sample code above, we configure a very simple rule which states that a speech recognized event will be thrown if any of the following words: “cut“, “copy“, “paste“, and “delete“, is uttered.  Note that we use a GrammarBuilder class to construct our custom grammar, and that the syntax of the GrammarBuilder class closely resembles the syntax of the StringBuilder class.

This is the basic code for enabling voice commands for a WinForms application.  We will now enhance the Speechpad application by adding a menu item to turn speech recognition on and off,  a status bar so we can watch as the speech recognition engine interprets our words, and a function that will determine what action to take if one of our key words is captured by the engine.

Add a new menu item labeled “Speech Recognition” under the “Speech” menu item, below “Read Selected Text” and “Read Document”.  For convenience, name it speechRecognitionMenuItem.  Add a handler to the new menu item, and use the following code to turn speech recognition on and off, as well as toggle the speech recognition menu item.  Besides the RecognizeAsync() method that we use here, it is also possible to start the engine synchronously or, by passing it a RecognizeMode.Single parameter, cause the engine to stop after the first phrase it recognizes. The method we use to stop the engine, RecognizeAsyncStop(), is basically a polite way to stop the engine, since it will wait for the engine to finish any phrases it is currently processing before quitting. An impolite method, RecognizeAsyncCancel(), is also available — to be used in emergency situations, perhaps.

        private void speechRecognitionMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.speechRecognitionMenuItem.Checked)

private void TurnSpeechRecognitionOn()
this.speechRecognitionMenuItem.Checked = true;

private void TurnSpeechRecognitionOff()
if (recognizer != null)
this.speechRecognitionMenuItem.Checked = false;

We are actually going to use the RecognizeAsyncCancel() method now, since there is an emergency situation. The speech synthesizer, it turns out, cannot operate if the speech recognizer is still running. To get around this, we will need to disable the speech recognizer at the last possible moment, and then reactivate it once the synthesizer has completed its tasks. We will modify the ReadAloud() method to handle this.

private void ReadAloud(string speakText)
catch (Exception ex)


The user now has the ability to turn speech recognition on and off. We can make the application more interesting by capturing the speech hypothesize event and displaying the results to a status bar on the Main form.  Add a StatusStrip control to the Main form, and a ToolStripStatusLabel to the StatusStrip with its Spring property set to true.  For convenience, call this label toolStripStatusLabel1.  Use the following code to handle the speech hypothesized event and display the results:

private void recognizer_SpeechHypothesized(object sender, SpeechHypothesizedEventArgs e)

private void GuessText(string guess)
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = guess;
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.DarkSalmon;

Now that we can turn speech recognition on and off, as well as capture misinterpretations of the input stream, it is time to capture the speech recognized event and do something with it.  The SpeechToAction() method will evaluate the recognized text and then call the appropriate method in the child form (these methods are accessible because we scoped them internal in the Textpad code above).  In addition, we display the recognized text in the status bar, just as we did with hypothesized text, but in a different color in order to distinguish the two events.

private void recognizer_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e)
string text = e.Result.Text;

private void SpeechToAction(string text)
TextDocument document = ActiveMdiChild as TextDocument;
if (document != null)

switch (text)
case “cut”:
case “copy”:
case “paste”:
case “delete”:

private void DetermineText(string text)
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = text;
this.toolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.SteelBlue;

Now let’s take Speechpad for a spin.  Fire up the application and, if it compiles, create a new document.  Type “Hello world.”  So far, so good.  Turn on speech recognition by selecting the Speech Recognition item under the Speech menu.  Highlight “Hello” and say the following phrase into your expensive microphone, inexpensive microphone, or speaker: delete.  Now type “Save the cheerleader, save the”.  Not bad at all.

Speech Recognition And Synthesis Managed APIs In Windows Vista: Part I

VistaSpeechAPIDemo.zip – 45.7 Kb

VistaSpeechAPISource.zip – 405 Kb


One of the coolest features to be introduced with Windows Vista is the new built in speech recognition facility.  To be fair, it has been there in previous versions of Windows, but not in the useful form in which it is now available.  Best of all, Microsoft provides a managed API with which developers can start digging into this rich technology.  For a fuller explanation of the underlying technology, I highly recommend the Microsoft whitepaper. This tutorial will walk the user through building a common text pad application, which we will then trick out with a speech synthesizer and a speech recognizer using the .Net managed API wrapper for SAPI 5.3. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a working application that reads your text back to you, obeys your voice commands, and takes dictation. But first, a word of caution: this code will only work for Visual Studio 2005 installed on Windows Vista. It does not work on XP, even with .NET 3.0 installed.


Because Windows Vista has only recently been released, there are, as of this writing, several extant problems relating to developing on the platform.  The biggest hurdle is that there are known compatibility problems between Visual Studio and Vista.  Visual Studio.NET 2003 is not supported on Vista, and there are currently no plans to resolve any compatibility issues there.  Visual Studio 2005 is supported,  but in order to get it working well, you will need to make sure you also install service pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005.  After this, you will also need to install a beta update for Vista called, somewhat confusingly, “Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista Beta”.  Even after doing all this, you will find that all the new cool assemblies that come with Vista, such as the System.Speech assembly, still do not show up in your Add References dialog in Visual Studio.  If you want to have them show up, you will finally need to add a registry entry indicating where the Vista dll’s are to be found.  Open the Vista registry UI by running regedit.exe in your Vista search bar.  Add the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders\v3.0 Assemblies with this value: C:\\Program Files\\Reference Assemblies\\Microsoft\\Framework\\v3.0. (You can also install it under HKEY_CURRENT_USER, if you prefer.)  Now, we are ready to start programming in Windows Vista.

Before working with the speech recognition and synthesis functionality, we need to prepare the ground with a decent text pad application to which we will add on our cool new toys. Since this does not involve Vista, you do not really have to follow through this step in order to learn the speech recognition API.  If you already have a good base application, you can skip ahead to the next section, Speechpad, and use the code there to trick out your app.  If you do not have a suitable application at hand, but also have no interest in walking through the construction of a text pad application, you can just unzip the source code linked above and pull out the included Textpad project.  The source code contains two Visual Studio 2005 projects, the Textpad project, which is the base application for the SR functionality, and Speechpad, which includes the final code.

All the same, for those with the time to do so, I feel there is much to gain from building an application from the ground up. The best way to learn a new technology is to use it oneself and to get one’s hands dirty, as it were, since knowledge is always more than simply knowing that something is possible; it also involves knowing how to put that knowledge to work. We know by doing, or as Giambattista Vico put it, verum et factum convertuntur.


Textpad is an MDI application containing two forms: a container, called Main.cs, and a child form, called TextDocument.csTextDocument.cs, in turn, contains a RichTextBox control.

Create a new project called Textpad.  Add the “Main” and “TextDocument” forms to your project.  Set the IsMdiContainer property of Main to true.  Add a MainMenu control and an OpenFileDialog control (name it “openFileDialog1”) to Main.  Set the Filter property of the OpenFileDialog to “Text Files | *.txt”, since we will only be working with text files in this project.  Add a RichTextBox control to “TextDocument”, name it “richTextBox1”; set its Dock property to “Fill” and its Modifiers property to “Internal”.

Add a MenuItem control to MainMenu called “File” by clicking on the MainMenu control in Designer mode and typing “File” where the control prompts you to “type here”.  Set the File item’s MergeType property to “MergeItems”. Add a second MenuItem called “Window“.  Under the “File” menu item, add three more Items: “New“, “Open“, and “Exit“.  Set the MergeOrder property of the “Exit” control to 2.  When we start building the “TextDocument” form, these merge properties will allow us to insert menu items from child forms between “Open” and “Exit”.

Set the MDIList property of the Window menu item to true.  This automatically allows it to keep track of your various child documents during runtime.

Next, we need some operations that will be triggered off by our menu commands.  The NewMDIChild() function will create a new instance of the Document object that is also a child of the Main container.  OpenFile() uses the OpenFileDialog control to retrieve the path to a text file selected by the user.  OpenFile() uses a StreamReader to extract the text of the file (make sure you add a using declaration for System.IO at the top of your form). It then calls an overloaded version of NewMDIChild() that takes the file name and displays it as the current document name, and then injects the text from the source file into the RichTextBox control in the current Document object.  The Exit() method closes our Main form.  Add handlers for the File menu items (by double clicking on them) and then have each handler call the appropriate operation: NewMDIChild(), OpenFile(), or Exit().  That takes care of your Main form.

        #region Main File Operations

private void NewMDIChild()

private void NewMDIChild(string filename)
TextDocument newMDIChild = new TextDocument();
newMDIChild.MdiParent = this;
newMDIChild.Text = filename;
newMDIChild.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

private void OpenFile()
openFileDialog1.FileName = “”;
DialogResult dr = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)
string fileName = openFileDialog1.FileName;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName))
string text = sr.ReadToEnd();
NewMDIChild(fileName, text);
catch (Exception ex)

private void NewMDIChild(string filename, string text)

private void LoadTextToActiveDocument(string text)
TextDocument doc = (TextDocument)ActiveMdiChild;
doc.richTextBox1.Text = text;

private void Exit()


To the TextDocument form, add a SaveFileDialog control, a MainMenu control, and a ContextMenuStrip control (set the ContextMenuStrip property of richTextBox1 to this new ContextMenuStrip).  Set the SaveFileDialog’s defaultExt property to “txt” and its Filter property to “Text File | *.txt”.  Add “Cut”, “Copy”, “Paste”, and “Delete” items to your ContextMenuStrip.  Add a “File” menu item to your MainMenu, and then “Save“, Save As“, and “Close” menu items to the “File” menu item.  Set the MergeType for “File” to “MergeItems”. Set the MergeType properties of “Save”, “Save As” and “Close” to “Add”, and their MergeOrder properties to 1.  This creates a nice effect in which the File menu of the child MDI form merges with the parent File menu.

The following methods will be called by the handlers for each of these menu items: Save(), SaveAs(), CloseDocument(), Cut(), Copy(), Paste(), Delete(), and InsertText(). Please note that the last five methods are scoped as internal, so they can be called by the parent form. This will be particularly important as we move on to the Speechpad project.

#region Document File Operations

private void SaveAs(string fileName)
saveFileDialog1.FileName = fileName;
DialogResult dr = saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)
string saveFileName = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
catch (Exception ex)

private void SaveAs()
string fileName = this.Text;

internal void Save()
string fileName = this.Text;

private void Save(string fileName)
string text = this.richTextBox1.Text;
Save(fileName, text);

private void Save(string fileName, string text)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false))
catch (Exception ex)

private void CloseDocument()

internal void Paste()
IDataObject data = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
if (data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text))
catch (Exception ex)

internal void InsertText(string text)
RichTextBox theBox = richTextBox1;
theBox.SelectedText = text;

internal void Copy()
RichTextBox theBox = richTextBox1;
catch (Exception ex)

internal void Cut()

internal void Delete()
richTextBox1.SelectedText = string.Empty;


Once you hook up your menu item event handlers to the methods listed above, you should have a rather nice text pad application. With our base prepared, we are now in a position to start building some SR features.


Add a reference to the System.Speech assembly to your project.  You should be able to find it in C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\.  Add using declarations for System.Speech, System.Speech.Recognition, and System.Speech.Synthesis to your Main form. The top of your Main.cs file should now look something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Speech;
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
using System.Speech.Recognition;

In design view, add two new menu item to the main menu in your Main form labeled “Select Voice” and “Speech“.  For easy reference, name the first item selectVoiceMenuItem.  We will use the “Select Voice” menu to programmatically list the synthetic voices that are available for reading Speechpad documents.  To programmatically list out all the synthetic voices, use the following three methods found in the code sample below.  LoadSelectVoiceMenu() loops through all voices that are installed on the operating system and creates a new menu item for each.  VoiceMenuItem_Click() is simply a handler that passes the click event on to the SelectVoice() method. SelectVoice() handles the toggling of the voices we have added to the “Select Voice” menu.  Whenever a voice is selected, all others are deselected.  If all voices are deselected, then we default to the first one.

Now that we have gotten this far, I should mention that all this trouble is a little silly if there is only one synthetic voice available, as there is when you first install Vista. Her name is Microsoft Anna, by the way. If you have Vista Ultimate or Vista Enterprise, you can use the Vista Updater to download an additional voice, named Microsoft Lila, which is contained in the Simple Chinese MUI.  She has a bit of an accent, but I am coming to find it rather charming.  If you don’t have one of the high-end flavors of Vista, however, you might consider leaving the voice selection code out of your project.

private void LoadSelectVoiceMenu()
foreach (InstalledVoice voice in synthesizer.GetInstalledVoices())
MenuItem voiceMenuItem = new MenuItem(voice.VoiceInfo.Name);
voiceMenuItem.RadioCheck = true;
voiceMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(voiceMenuItem_Click);
if (this.selectVoiceMenuItem.MenuItems.Count > 0)
this.selectVoiceMenuItem.MenuItems[0].Checked = true;
selectedVoice = this.selectVoiceMenuItem.MenuItems[0].Text;

private void voiceMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void SelectVoice(object sender)
MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem;
if (mi != null)
//toggle checked value
mi.Checked = !mi.Checked;

if (mi.Checked)
//set selectedVoice variable
selectedVoice = mi.Text;
//clear all other checked items
foreach (MenuItem voiceMi in this.selectVoiceMenuItem.MenuItems)
if (!voiceMi.Equals(mi))
voiceMi.Checked = false;
//if deselecting, make first value checked,
//so there is always a default value
this.selectVoiceMenuItem.MenuItems[0].Checked = true;

We have not declared the selectedVoice class level variable yet (your Intellisense may have complained about it), so the next step is to do just that.  While we are at it, we will also declare a private instance of the System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer class and initialize it, along with a call to the LoadSelectVoiceMenu() method from above, in your constructor:

#region Local Members

private SpeechSynthesizer synthesizer = null;
private string selectedVoice = string.Empty;


public Main()
synthesizer = new SpeechSynthesizer();

To allow the user to utilize the speech synthesizer, we will add two new menu items under the “Speech” menu labeled “Read Selected Text” and “Read Document“.  In truth, there isn’t really much to using the Vista speech synthesizer.  All we do is pass a text string to our local SpeechSynthesizer object and let the operating system do the rest.  Hook up event handlers for the click events of these two menu items to the following methods and you will be up and running with an SR enabled application:

#region Speech Synthesizer Commands

private void ReadSelectedText()
TextDocument doc = ActiveMdiChild as TextDocument;
if (doc != null)
RichTextBox textBox = doc.richTextBox1;
if (textBox != null)
string speakText = textBox.SelectedText;

private void ReadDocument()
TextDocument doc = ActiveMdiChild as TextDocument;
if (doc != null)
RichTextBox textBox = doc.richTextBox1;
if (textBox != null)
string speakText = textBox.Text;

private void ReadAloud(string speakText)
catch (Exception ex)


private void SetVoice()
catch (Exception)
MessageBox.Show(selectedVoice + “\” is not available.);


Performative Sleep

I was busy writing away in a notebook last night when I suddenly realized that I was sleeping.  In the dream, I had been working on a commentary on Montaigne’s essay Of Cannibals.  The problem with discussing dreams, of course, is that it ofen leads one into an embarrassing consideration of one’s own inner life which tends to be self-stroking and not particularly revealing — or rather, it reveals some self-absorbed aspects of one’s own personality even as one is sure that it is revealing some great inner-truth, like John Marcher’s beast in the jungle.  Or even worse, it is like taking one of those IQ tests that occassionally pop-up in one’s browser and determining from it that one is quite intelligent.

When I woke up in the morning, there was no commentary written out at my bedside, or even prepared in my head.  I don’t even remember what I was trying to say about Of Cannibals.  This contrasts starkly with the experience of sleep coding, which occassionally overcomes software developers who have been working too hard on a particular problem, and in some circles is even considered to be a mark of particularly virtuous coding.

I am convinced, as many programmers are, that sleep coding really works — that is, that in sleep, programmers actually solve problems from their waking hours.  I have often spent hours on a particularly insidious problem only to find, after a good night’s sleep, that I am able to quickly fix the problem the next morning.  And it seems to be something different from simply taking a break.  Walking away from a problem for a few hours, while it can be helpful in reducing stress, has never had the revelatory effect that sleeping has had.  I’ve even come to the point that when I consider a problem to be particularly difficult, instead of trying to solve the problem right away, I plan on learning as much as I can about it in order to hand it over to my dream-coder to solve in the night.  I think of this as an occult offshoring.

It is quite possible, of course, that the experience of dreaming code and the phenomenon of having code solved in one’s sleep are two entirely different things.  The second can be true even if the first is essentially meaningless, a phantom caused by neurons misfiring in our sleep.  And this is, in some cases, the solution to the mind-body problem.  The theory goes that when awake, we are merely observers of a mechanistic process with epiphenomenal experiences that do not actually affect what is going on in the world.  We are merely passive observers, even though we think we are actually participating and making decisions — though this implies a rather inelegant duplication of entities in the world.  Why should it be that I can code in my sleep, and also observe myself coding in my sleep through my dreams, but these two things are not the same thing?

And also, is this something that only happens for computer programmers?  Is it the case that our bodies can perform high cognitive functions without us, but only for certain types of tasks?  I don’t recall ever waking up in college with an essay fully formed in my mind.  Then again, we are told that Coleridge woke up from a dream with Kubla Kahn fully formed in his mind, and only after being interrupted by a visitor and taking a break from it, did he lose it again.

Concerning Ladders

It is a commonplace that humor resists translation.  This was Pevear and Volokhonsky’s conceit when they came out with a new translation of The Brothers Karamazov in 1990, which they claimed finally brought across (successfully, I think) the deep humor of Dostoevsky’s masterpiece.  While accuracy is the goal in most translation efforts, to hold to accuracy when translating humor unavoidably leaves much untranslated.  Thus in translating Lewis Caroll into Russian, Vladimir Nabokov chose to replace English wordplay with completely different puns sensible only to the Russian speaker, all the better to capture the flavor of Caroll’s humor.

A former colleague at the infamous Turner Studios has posted the following joke to his blog, which I must admit I cannot decipher:


 Yet I know it is a joke, because he adds the following gloss to the image:

Let the hilarity ensue. Someone put up a site where you can build your own World of Warcraft talent trees. The priest one made me laugh, since it’s twoo, it’s twoo.

What is one required to know in order to decipher this particular joke?  Initially, of course, one must know that this is an artifact of the online game World of Warcraft, which is a complex virtual world people pay a monthly fee in order to gain access to.  Next, the artifact is a “talent tree”, which describes different abilities people can gain through accruing time in the virtual world.  The various talents form a tree in the sense that one must gain lower level talents before one may achieve the higher talents, and while the low level talents form a broad base, there are fewer high level talents to choose from when one gets to the top.  The choice of talents one chooses to acquire, in turn, determines what sort of person one is in the virtual World of Warcraft.

This is the formal aspect of the talent tree.  In order to understand the hilarity of this particular talent tree, however, one must further understand the pictorial vocabulary used to represent talents in this tree, a task requiring a Rosetta stone of sorts.  The use of pictures to tell stories is old, and certainly predates any written languages, with exemplars such as the cave drawings at Lascaux.  Long after the advent of written languages, images continued to exert a central role in the telling of stories and the transmission of culture in societies where the majority of people were illiterate.  It was even the main way that Christianity promulgated its teachings to the masses, and the eventual eclipse of the central role of images in religious life by way of the Protestant Reformation can be seen as a direct result of the  emphasis placed on reading the Bible for oneself, and hence the importance of literacy.

Beyond pratfalls and scatology, I’m not sure that pictures without words are a particularly effective means of transmitting humor.  The talent tree for the priest represented above has less to do with cave paintings at Lascaux than with the Renaissance emblem book tradition, which does attempt to treat images as language, and reached its height of artistic expression with the HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI.  The traditional emblem book was made up of a series of 100 or so images that were explicated with poems and allegories.  What sets them apart from instructive religious images is that they require a high level of literacy in order to read and enjoy, whereas religious images during the same period were particularly useful for the illiterate.  In some cases, due to the expense of printing woodcuts, emblem books would even forgo actual images and instead would include mere descriptions of the emblems being explicated.  Implicit in all of this, however, was the understanding that whatever could be said about the emblems was originally and overabundantly expressed in the images themselves, and that the accompanying text merely offered a glimpse into their hidden meanings.

Athanasius Kircher, the 17th century polymath, pursued a similar approach toward deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.  An interesting website dedicated to and to some extent influenced by his work can be found here.  Following the work of 19th century Egyptologists like Jean-François Champollion, we know today that Egyptian hieroglyphs alternately represent either phonetic elements or words, depending on how they are used.  In the case of cartouches, the series of symbols often found on monuments and usually placed in an oval  in order to set them apart, hieroglyphs were exclusively a phonetic alphabet used to spell out the personal names of Egyptian dignitaries.  For Kircher, however, they represented a language of images which, if not actually magical, were at least possessed of superabundant and secret meaning.  Kircher sought transcendence in his efforts to cull meaning from cartouches.  How far he fell short can be gathered from this gloss by Umberto Eco in The Search For The Perfect Language:

>Out of this passion for the occult came those attempts at decipherment which now amuse Egyptologists.  On page 557 of his Obeliscus Pamphylius, figures 20-4 reproduce the images of a cartouche to which Kircher gives the following reading: ‘the originator of all fecundity and vegetation is Osiris whose generative power bears from heaven to his kingdom the Sacred Mophtha.’  This same image was deciphered by Champollion (Lettre a Dacier, 29), who used Kircher’s own reporductions, as ‘AOTKRTA (Autocrat or Emperor) sun of the son and sovereign of the crown, Caesar Domitian Augustus)’.  The difference is, to say the least, notable, especially as regards the mysterious Mophtha, figured as a lion, over which Kircher expended pages and pages of mystic exegesis listing its numerous properties, while for Champollion the lion simply stands for the Greek letter lambda.


 Whereas Kircher’s search for transcendence requires great learning, the icon to the right, of the Ladder of Divine Ascent, is accessible to the unliterate.  Most icons in the Eastern Orthodox tradition are of saints, and are used in prayer to the saints.  Icons that depict stories, such as this icon, are somewhat rare, though there is evidence that this was in fact the prior tradition, and the earliest Christian images, found in the catacombs of Rome, typically depict stories from the Bible.  The icon of the Ladder of Divine Ascent is based on the ladder described by John Climacus in the 7th century book of the same name, and the Orthodox saint can in fact be found at the lower left corner of the image.  Climacus, in turn, borrowed his ladder from the image of a ladder that Jacob dreamed about, a ladder extending from earth to heaven.  In this icon, Christ stands at the top of the ladder, welcoming anyone who can make the full ascent.  At the bottom are monks lining up to attempt the climb, while in between we see ascetics being diverted, distracted, and pulled off of the ladder by demonic beings.  The message is fairly straight forward.  Transcendence and salvation are possible, but very difficult.  The ladder represents the journey, but also the mediation required to ascend from the cthonic to the celestial.

I find the metaphor of the ladder striking because 1) it is man-made, and 2) it is something that one steps off of when one reaches the top.  These two features explain why the talent tree depicted above could never be a talent ladder, even though both are things that one climbs.  The tree is something made of the same earthly material that it grows out of.  It reaches for the sky, but because it is not truly a mediator, it cannot allow one to step off of it, and in fact the higher one climbs, the less stable one’s purchase is.  Just as a pier is a disappointed bridge, as James Joyce indicated, a tree is a disappointed ladder.  It goes nowhere.

This, I take it, is the humor inherent in the talent tree above.  The talent tree provides a semblance of movement upwards, but ultimately disappoints.  It always provides more, but the more turns out to be more of the same.  For an interesting unpacking of this phenomenon, one could do worse than read this cautionary blog about the dangers of playing World of Warcraft:

>60 levels, 30+ epics, a few really good “real life” friends, a seat on the oldest and largest guild on our server’s council, 70+ days “/played,” and one “real” year later…

It took a huge personal toll on me. To illustrate the impact it had, let’s look at me one year later. When I started playing, I was working towards getting into the best shape of my life (and making good progress, too). Now a year later, I’m about 30 pounds heavier that I was back then, and it is not muscle. I had a lot of hobbies including DJing (which I was pretty accomplished at) and music as well as writing and martial arts. I haven’t touched a record or my guitar for over a year and I think if I tried any Kung Fu my gut would throw my back out. Finally, and most significantly, I had a very satisfying social life before.

These changes are miniscule, however, compared to what has happened in quite a few other people’s lives. Some background… Blizzard created a game that you simply can not win. Not only that, the only way to “get better” is to play more and more. In order to progress, you have to farm your little heart out in one way or another: either weeks at a time PvPing to make your rank or weeks at a time getting materials for and “conquering” raid instances, or dungeons where you get “epic loot” (pixilated things that increase your abilities, therefore making you “better”). And what do you do after these mighty dungeons fall before you and your friend’s wrath? Go back the next week (not sooner, Blizzard made sure you can only raid the best instances once a week) and do it again (imagine if Alexander the Great had to push across the Middle East every damn week).


The burden of Sisyphus is a perennial staple of humorists, and not a tragedy at all.  Consider the most famous Laurel and Hardy short, The Music Box, in which the conceit of the whole film is the two bunglers trying to move a piano to a house on top of a hill.  Perhaps the most iconic example of this sort of humor is Nigel’s amplifier from This Is Spinal Tap, which “goes to eleven”.  For Nigel, eleven is a transcendent level of amplification, while for the mock interviewer, it is just one more number.  Why not just re-calibrate the amplifier and make ten eleven?  Nigel believes that eleven transforms the amplifier into a ladder, whereas the audience recognizes that it is just a tree.

I am at a point in my life where I see trees and ladders everywhere.  For instance, the constant philosophical debates around the mind-body problem can be broken down into a simple question about whether consciousness is a tree or a ladder.  If consciousness is the complex accumulation of basically simple brain processes, then it is a tree.  If aggregating various physical processes never can achieve true consciousness, then consciousness is a ladder.  And then from these two basic theses, we can arrive at all the other combinations of mind-body solutions, for instance that it is a tree that thinks it is a ladder, or a ladder that thinks it is a tree, or that ladder and tree are simply two equivalent modes of describing the same phenomenon, depending possibly on whether one is in fact a tree or a ladder.

Science fiction plots, in turn, can be broken down into two types: those in which ladders pretend to be trees, and those in which trees pretend to be ladders.  Virtual worlds, finally, are the culmination of a historical weariness over these problems, and a consequent ambivalence about whether trees and ladders make any difference, anymore.  For those who have chosen to forgo the search for ladders, virtual worlds provide a world of trees, which simulate the experience of climbing ladders — virtual ladders, so to speak.

Having had several years of success, Blizzard, the makers of World of Warcraft, have recently released a new expansion to their online world called The Burning Crusade.  Whereas up to this point, players have been limited to a maximum level of 60, those who buy The Burning Crusade will have that ceiling lifted.  With The Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft goes to level 70.

ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Released

It was over a year ago that I started working with a product called Microsoft Atlas.  I wanted to use it to build a rich web client for managing licensed commercial music for a cable television studio, based on the expectation that the client must work on multiple platforms (hence a web application) and at the same time provide rich functionality such as our sponsors were used to in their desktop applications (hence Ajax).  The whole time I was building it, I had the expectation that the final release was right around the corner.  In December of 2005, Atlas was rumored to have a release date sometime in the March or April range.  A year, a name change, and a few scope changes later, it has finally arrived.

The product is an example of Microsoft coming late to the party.  Based on a key bit of technology originally developed by Microsoft engineers over seven years ago, the XMLHttpRequest API, alternate vendors like Yahoo, Google and others helped to develop a style of programming called Ajax that allowed web clients to talk to a webserver without a page refresh.  Ajax in turn was adopted by advocates of the term Web 2.0 as one of the hallmarks of the phenomena they wished to tout in an attempt to revitalize interest in the web as a business platform following the disaster that we now all know as The IT Bubble of the 90’s.

Why Microsoft took so long to get around to it is an open question.  Very likely, they were busy getting on the web services band wagon as a way to promote Smart Clients as their technology of choice for integrating the desktop with the web.  While very cool in its own right, it hasn’t really achieved the same mindshare that Ajax has among web developers, and so — better late than never — we now have ASP.NET Ajax to kick around, and it can be downloaded here.

In the meantime, special recognition should be given, I think, to Brent Ashley, who in 2000 came out with something he called JavaScript Remote Scripting, which used javascript to generate dynamic iFrames in order to provide the same functionality that the XMLHttpRequest API does.  In an alternate universe, JSRS could have been the inspiration for Web 2.0.  Brent Ashley still supports his scripts here, a placeholder for his mark on the history of technology.

Secret Societies and the Internet

While driving with my family to visit an old friend the other day I caught a bit of Harry Schearer’s  wrap-up of the year 2006 on Weekend Edition.  During the interview Schearer was asked what happened with the 2006 Democratic election victory, and Schearer said yeah, what happened?  What must be going through the minds of all the people who believed that the elections were stolen in 2000 and again in 2004, the people who can point out the series of miniscule irregularities that cumulatively disenfranchised the American people of their right to vote those two previous times?  Did evil take a holiday in 2006?

Conspiracy theories are, of course, the opiate of the masses, but what happens when they are real?  And what must be happening when they disappear?  The most truly worthy conspiracies do not only control the mechanisms of power, but also the perception of power, and in doing so undermine the very Enlightenment notion that truth will set us free, since the conspirators control our perception of the truth. They are everything we like to accuse post-modernists and deconstructionists of being with one difference — they are effective.  Any conspiracy worthy of being treated as a conspiracy, then, cannot simply disappear anymore than it can make itself appear.  Everything we know about conspiracies are, a priori, false, managed, and inauthentic.  An elaborate cover story.

In the very awareness that there is falsity in the world, however, one also becomes aware that there is something being hidden from us, and behind it, eventually, truth. Or as Descartes said in The Meditations :

…hence it follows, not only that what is cannot be produced by what is not, but likewise that the more perfect, in other words, that which contains in itself more reality, cannot be the effect of the less perfect….

One assumes, perhaps erroneously, that those who feed us lies must therefore possess the Truth.  Here, then, is the dilemma for truth-seekers.  What if knowing the truth entails speaking falsehoods to the rest of the world?  We would like it not to be so, but what if the truth is so striking, so peculiar, so melancholic that the truth-seeker, despite herself, will ultimately  be obliged to be mendacious once they are brought before the Truth itself, if only to protect others from what she has come to know?  And if this were not the case, then wouldn’t someone have explained the Truth to us long ago?

One solution is to step back into a sort of pragmatic stance, and judge the pursuit of conspiracy theories ultimately to be delusional in nature.  But — and here’s the rub — doesn’t this go against the evidence we have that conspiracies do in fact occur.  Worse, isn’t this the sort of delusion, isn’t this the sort of lie, that prevents people from trying to unmask these conspiracies in the first place?  Or as Baudelaire informed us,

Mes chers frères, n’oubliez jamais, quand vous entendrez vanter le progrès des lumières, que la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas!

If the conspiratorial nature of the world cannot be revealed as a truth, then it must first be revealed as a falsehood.  This is how Leo Strauss, one of the architects of modern neoconservatism, put it in his short but revealing essay, Persecution and the Art of Writing.  Because not everyone is morally, inetellectually, or constitutionally prepared to receive the Truth, truth should only ever be alluded to.  Hints should be dropped, intentional errors and contradictions presented, which will lead the astute and prepared student to ask the correct questions that will eventually initiate him into the company of the elite.  The obvious question rarely raised, then, is whether Strauss ever got the students he felt he deserved.  Or were the allusions too obscure, and the paradoxes too knotted for anyone to follow him along the royal path? 

Worse yet, could Pynchon’s suggestion from The Crying of Lot 49 be correct, and the pursuers of conspiracy in the end are the ones who make conspiracies come to life, taking on the task of hiding the truth that no one initially gave to them, protecting a truth that in the end does not exist?

Yet this denies what we all know in our hearts to be true.  Conspiracies do exist, though not always in the form we imagine them to.  Take, for instance, the recent excerpts in the poetry journal Exquiste Corpse from Nick Bromell’s upcoming The Plan” or How Five Young Conservatives Rescued America


Until now, “The Plan” has been merely a rumor. In the late 1980s,  young conservatives spent hours reverently speculating about it over drinks at “The Sign of the Indian King” on M Street, while across town frustrated young liberals in the think tanks around Dupont Circle darkly attributed every conservative victory to this mythic document.

By the mid-1990s, the myth started to fade as each succeeding triumph of the conservative movement made it increasingly improbable that any group, however brilliant, could have planed the whole campaign. Eventually people referred to “The Plan”  as one might refer to the Ark or to the gunman on the grassy knoll: intriguing but fantastical.

Brommell, however, was allowed to view the notes of a historian originally commissioned to write a history of The Plan — a project eventually discarded by the people who hired him — and publishes them for the first time in this online journal, revealing  both the inspiration for and the details of the secret manifesto that has guided the conservative movement for the past fourty years.

There are even anachronisms and contradictions that, for me at least, do much to confirm the veracity of the source.  One that has been mentioned by other commentators on the article is the fact that the included link to the National Enterprise Initiative (the organization founded by the authors of “The Plan” and which initially commissioned the aborted history) either doesn’t work or points to a bogus search site.  For many, this indicates that the original reporting is bogus.  But the obvious question remains as to why such a suposedly elaborate fiction will fail on such a minor detail as a web link?  Who doesn’t know how to post a weblink anymore? On the other side, is it really so remarkable that an organization that wishes to remain hidden should suddenly disappear, along with all traces of it, once an unmasking piece of journalism is published concerning it?  We are, after all, talking about the Internet, the veracity of which we all know to be dubious and mercurial, a vast palimpsest conspiracy. 

Does the fact that something is absent from the Internet prove that it does not exist?

Or is it rather the case, as Neuhaus wrote in his 1623 Advertissiment pieux et utile des freres de la Rosee-Croix, which demonstrated the true existence of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, a secret society who claimed to guide the history of Europe but that had only first been heard of in 1614 in Germany and quickly became the main topic of European discussion for the next quarter century regarding primarily the question ‘do they or do they not exist’:

By the very fact that they change and alter their name and that they mask their age, and that, by their own confession, they come and go without making themselves known, there is no Logician that could deny the necessity that they exist.