Technological Similes (e.g., Ajax is like…)

 As mentioned in a previous post, programmers typically explain one technology by referencing another more familiar technology.  What sometimes happens, however, is that the technology that was thought to be more familiar, and consequently believed to have explanatory power, in fact was simply originally explained by referencing some third vaguely understood technology; but time made the simile comfortable and vanity made it acceptable.  We only become aware of the semantic web we programmers weave when we are finally forced to use one of the referenced technologies and discover, once again, what a strange and incomprehensible thing programming is.  The experience is a bit like the shock felt by the woman who brought home a stray dog from Paris only to discover that it was really a large tailless rat.

To find out what one of the trendier new technologies is really like, I recently consulted Google.  A google search on “Ajax is like…” turns up the following results:

“Comparing Java and AJAX is like comparing apples and blue.”

“[U]sing Ajax is like consuming alcohol in public.”

“[A]jax is like instant messaging….”

“Customers asking for AJAX is like a prospective homeowner walking over to the contractors hired to do the building and handing them a saw.”

“AJAX is like Flash or HTML.”

“AJAX is like a javascript.”

“AJAX is like Javascript on steroids.”

“AJAX is like web services.”

“[A]jax is like everything else on line, it will be abused by various low lifes.”

“Ajax is like to partial update in Intraweb I am wrong?”

“Ajax is like ‘roller skates for the web.'”

“Ajax is like shell, Perl, Ruby. Ajax is like UNIX.”

“AJAX is like a Hooker turn School Teacher, it has a dirty secret and unless you get it alone and play with it, you won’t pickup on it’s secrets until it’s too late.”

“Ajax is, like stated in the essay, a new way to think about user interfaces on the web….”

“AJAX is like wearing 70’s djeans with an Hugo Boss Shoes….”

“AJAX is like Dinosaur cloning in Jurassic park.”

“AJAX is like folding a web page origami-style into a Lego brick….”

“AJAX is like a house of cards, and when a browser vendor screws up on a revision it’ll all come tumbling down.”

“AJAX is like putting a tiny bandage on a gaping wound the size of a grapefruit.”

“Ajax is like DHTML was 4 years ago, like javascript was 6 years ago, like applets were 8 years ago.”

“AJAX is like the killer buzzword.”

V. Imperative Dropzones


To create dropzones using JavaScript instead of declarative script, just add the following JavaScript function to initialize your dropzone element with the custom dropzone behavior:

function addDropZoneBehavior(ctrl){
var dropZone = new Sys.UI.Control(ctrl);
var dropZoneBehavior = new Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior();

To finish hooking everything up, call this addDropZoneBehavior function from the Atlas pageLoad() method, as you did in earlier examples for the addFloatingBehavior function. This will attach the proper behaviors to their respective HTML elements and replicate the drag and dropzone functionality you created above using declarative markup. If you want to make this work dynamically, just add the createDraggableDiv() function you already wrote for the previous dynamic example. As a point of reference, here is the complete code for creating programmatic dropzones:

<%@ Page Language=”C#” %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
<html xmlns=”” >
<head id=”Head1″ runat=”server”>
<title>Imperative Drop Targets</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function addFloatingBehavior(ctrl, ctrlHandle){
var floatingBehavior = new Sys.UI.FloatingBehavior();
var dragItem = new Sys.UI.Control(ctrl);
function addDropZoneBehavior(ctrl){
var dropZone = new Sys.UI.Control(ctrl);
var dropZoneBehavior = new Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior();
function pageLoad(){
<form id=”form1″ runat=”server”>
<atlas:ScriptManager ID=”ScriptManager1″ runat=”server”>
<atlas:ScriptReference ScriptName=”AtlasUIDragDrop” />
<atlas:ScriptReference Path=”scriptLibrary/DropZoneBehavior.js” />
<h2>Imperative Drop Targets with javacript</h2>
<div style=”background-color:Red;height:200px;width:200px;”>
<div id=”draggableDiv”
<div id=”handleBar”
<div id=”dropZone” style=”background-color:cornflowerblue;
height:200px;width:200px;”>Drop Zone</div>


Besides the dropzone behavior, you may want to also write your own floating behavior. For instance, by default, elements decorated with the floating behavior simply stay where you drop them. You may want to extend this so that your floating div will snap back to its original location when you drop it outside of a drop zone. Additionally, you may want to change the way the dragged element looks while you are dragging it, either by making it transparent, changing its color, or replacing the drag image altogether. All this can be accomplished by creating a behavior that implements the IDragSource interface in the same way you created a custom class that implements the IDropTarget interface.

This tutorial should provide you with a starting point for extending the basic drag drop functionality provided with Atlas, to create your own behaviors and provide your own functionality. The next step is to build on this to create controls. Using this tutorial as a starting point, you can go on to create Atlas extender controls that implement your behaviors using declarative markup, or even turn around and create server-side controls that automatically create HTML elements with Atlas behaviors, with the choice being, once again, one between creating server-side controls that are either declarative, and consequently static, or imperative, and consequently slightly more complex but also more flexible. This is a topic that is much too large for the current tutorial; however, I hope that in the near future, someone will try to do for server-side Atlas programming what this tutorial attempts to do for client-side Atlas scripting.

IV. Declarative Dropzones


Being able to drag HTML elements around a page and have them stay where you leave them is visually interesting. To make this behavior truly useful, though, an event should be thrown when the drop occurs. Furthermore, the event that is thrown should depend on where the drop occurs. In other words, there needs to be behavior that can be added to a given HTML element that will turn it into a “dropzone” or a “drop target”, the same way that the floating behavior can be added to an HTML div tag to turn it into a drag and drop element.

In the following examples, I will show how Atlas supports the concept of dropzones. In its current state, Atlas does not support an out-of-the-box behavior for creating dropzone elements in quite the same way it does for floating elements. It does, however, implement behaviors for a DragDropList element and a DraggableListItem element which, when used together, allow you to create lists that can be reordered by dragging and dropping. If you would like to explore this functionality some more, there are several good examples of using the DragDropList behavior on the web, for instance, Introduction to Drag And Drop with Atlas.

The main disadvantage of the dragdropzone behavior is that it only works with items that have been decorated with the DragDropList behavior. The functionality that this puts at your disposal is fairly specific. To get the sort of open-ended dropzone functionality I described above, that will also work with the predefined floating behavior, you will need to write your own dropzone behavior class in JavaScript. Fortunately, this is not all that hard.

Atlas adds several OOP extensions to JavaScript in order to make it more powerful, extensions such as namespaces, abstract classes, and interfaces. You will take advantage of these in coding up your own dropzone behavior. If you peer behind the curtain and look at the source code in the AtlasUIDragDrop.js file, (you can do this with the Visual Studio debugger), you will find several interfaces defined there, including one for Sys.UI.DragSource and one for Sys.UI.DropTarget. In fact, both the FloatingBehavior class and the DraggableListItem class implement the Sys.UI.DragSource interface, while Sys.UI.DropTarget is implemented by the DragDropList class. The code for these two interfaces looks like this:

Sys.UI.IDragSource = function() {
this.get_dataType = Function.abstractMethod;
this.get_data = Function.abstractMethod;
this.get_dragMode = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDragStart = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDrag = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDragEnd = Function.abstractMethod;
Sys.UI.IDropTarget = function() {
this.get_dropTargetElement = Function.abstractMethod;
this.canDrop = Function.abstractMethod;
this.drop = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDragEnterTarget = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDragLeaveTarget = Function.abstractMethod;
this.onDragInTarget = Function.abstractMethod;

Why do you need to implement these interfaces instead of simply writing out brand new classes to support drag, drop, and dropzones? The secret is that, behind the scenes, a third class, called the DragDropManager, is actually coordinating the interactions between the draggable elements and the dropzone elements, and it only knows how to work with classes that implement the IDragSource or the IDropTarget. The DragDropManager class registers which dropzones are legitimate targets for each draggable element, handles the MouseOver events to determine when a dropzone has a draggable element over it, and a hundred other things you do not want to do yourself. In fact, it does it so well that the dropzone behavior you are about to write is pretty minimal. First, create a new JavaScript file called DropZoneBehavior.js. I placed my JavaScript file under a subdirectory called scriptLibrary, but this is not necessary in order to make the dropzone behavior work. Next, copy the following code into your file:


Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior = function() {

this.initialize = function() {
Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, ‘initialize’);
// Register ourselves as a drop target.
this.dispose = function() {
Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, ‘dispose’);
this.getDescriptor = function() {
var td = Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, ‘getDescriptor’);
return td;

// IDropTarget members.
this.get_dropTargetElement = function() {
return this.control.element;
this.drop = function(dragMode, type, data) {
this.canDrop = function(dragMode, dataType) {
return true;
this.onDragEnterTarget = function(dragMode, type, data) {
this.onDragLeaveTarget = function(dragMode, type, data) {
this.onDragInTarget = function(dragMode, type, data) {
Sys.UI.Behavior, Sys.UI.IDragSource,
Sys.UI.IDropTarget, Sys.IDisposable);
Sys.TypeDescriptor.addType(‘script’, ‘DropZoneBehavior’,

I need to explain this class a bit backwards. The first thing worth noticing is the second to last line that begins with “Custom.UI.DropZoneBehavior.registerClass“. This is where the dropZoneBehaviorClass defined above gets registered with Atlas. The first parameter of the registerClass method takes the name of the class. The second parameter takes the base class. The remaining parameters take the interfaces that are implemented by the new class. The line following this makes your class available for declarative markup scripting. Now back to the top, the “Type.registerNamespace” method allows you to register your custom namespace. The next line declares our new class using an anonymous method syntax. This is a way of writing JavaScript that I am not particularly familiar with, but is very important for making JavaScript object oriented, and is essential for designing Atlas behaviors. Within the anonymous method, the class methods Initialize, Dispose, and getDescriptor are simply standard methods used for all behavior classes, and in this implementation, all you need to do is call the base method (that is, the method of the base class that you specify in the second to last line of this code sample.) The only thing special you do is to register the drop target with the Sys.UI.DragDropManager in the Initialize method. This is the act that makes much of the drag drop magic happen.

Next, you implement the IDropTarget methods. In this example, you are only implementing two methods, “this.canDrop” and “this.drop“. For “canDrop“, you are just going to return true. More interesting logic can be placed here to determine which floating div tags can actually be dropped on a given target, and even to determine what sorts of floating divs will do what when they are dropped; but in this case, you only want a bare-bones implementation of IDropTarget that will allow any floating div to be dropped on it. Your implementation of the “drop” method is similarly bare bones. When a floating element is dropped on one of your drop targets, an alert message will be thrown indicating that something has occurred. And that’s about it. You now have a drop behavior that works with the floating behavior we used in the previous examples.

You should now write up a page to show off your new custom dropzone behavior. You can build on the previous samples to accomplish this. In the Atlas Script Manager, besides registering the AtlasUIDragDrop script, you will also want to register your new DropZoneBehavior script:

<atlas:ScriptManager ID=”ScriptManager1″ runat=”server”>
<atlas:ScriptReference ScriptName=”AtlasUIDragDrop” />
<atlas:ScriptReference Path=”scriptLibrary/DropZoneBehavior.js” />

Next, you will want to add a new div tag to the HTML body, that can be used as a drop target:

<div style=”background-color:Red;height:200px;width:200px;”>
<div id=”draggableDiv” style=”height:100px;width:100px;background-color:Blue;”>
<div id=”handleBar” style=”height:20px;width:auto;background-color:Green;”>

<div id=”dropZone” style=”background-color:cornflowerblue;height:200px;width:200px;”>
Drop Zone

Finally, you need to add a declarative markup element to add your custom DropZone behavior to the div you plan to use as a dropzone element. The XML markup should look like this:

<script type=”text/xml-script”>
<page xmlns:script=”″>
<control id=”dropZone”>
<control id=”draggableDiv”>
<floatingBehavior handle=”handleBar”/>

The code you have just written should basically add a dropzone to the original declarative drag and drop example. When you drop your drag element on the dropzone, an alert message should appear. You can expand on this code to make the drop method of your custom dropzone behavior do much more interesting things, such as firing off other JavaScript events in the current page, or even calling a webservice, using Atlas, that will in turn process server-side code for you.

III. Dynamic Drag Drop


Since the declarative model is much cleaner than the imperative model, why would you ever want to write your own JavaScript to handle Atlas behaviors? You might want to roll your own JavaScript if you want to add behaviors dynamically. One limitation of the declarative model is that you can only work with objects that are initially on the page. If you start adding objects to the page dynamically, you cannot add the floating behavior to them using the declarative model. With the imperative model, on the other hand, you can.

Building on the previous example, you will replace the “pageLoad()” function with a function that creates floating divs on demand. The following JavaScript function will create a div tag with another div tag embedded to use as a handlebar, then insert the div tag into the current page, and finally add floating behavior to the div tag:

function createDraggableDiv() {
var panel= document.createElement(“div”);“100px”;“100px”;“Blue”;
var panelHandle = document.createElement(“div”);“20px”;“auto”;“Green”;
var target = $(‘containerDiv’).appendChild(panel);
addFloatingBehavior(panel, panelHandle);

You will then just need to add a button to the page that calls the “createDraggableDiv()” function. The new HTML body should look something like this:

<input type=”button” value=”Add Floating Div” onclick=”createDraggableDiv();” />
<div id=”containerDiv” style=”background-color:Purple;height:800px;width:600px;”/>

This will allow you to add as many draggable elements to your page as you like, thus demonstrating the power and flexibility available to you once you understand the relationship between using Atlas declaratively and using it programmatically. As a point of reference, here is the complete code for the dynamic drag and drop example:

<%@ Page Language=”C#” %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”
<html xmlns=”” >
<head runat=”server”>
<title>Imperative Drag and Drop II</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function createDraggableDiv() {
var panel= document.createElement(“div”);”100px”;”100px”;”Blue”;
var panelHandle = document.createElement(“div”);”20px”;”auto”;”Green”;
var target = $(‘containerDiv’).appendChild(panel);
addFloatingBehavior(panel, panelHandle);
function addFloatingBehavior(ctrl, ctrlHandle){
var floatingBehavior = new Sys.UI.FloatingBehavior();
var dragItem = new Sys.UI.Control(ctrl);
<form id=”form1″ runat=”server”>
<atlas:ScriptManager ID=”ScriptManager1″ runat=”server”>
<atlas:ScriptReference ScriptName=”AtlasUIDragDrop” />
<h2>Imperative Drag and Drop Code with javascript:
demonstrate dynamic loading of behaviors</h2>
<input type=”button” value=”Add Floating Div” onclick=”createDraggableDiv();” />
<div id=”containerDiv” style=”background-color:Purple;height:800px;width:600px;”/>

Microsoft Atlas Drag and Drop Tutorial

Source Code: (467.5 KB)


I’m not sure if this explanation belongs in the preface or in the introduction, or what the exact difference is between the two.  In any case, this purpose of this preface is to explain why this tutorial is here.  I wrote it originally for a different site,, to which I have since lost my password.  At the same time, the underlying Atlas framework, upon which this tutorial is based and for which it is written, has gone through several iterations, thus obligating me to update this tutorial to make sure it is still valid.  So I’ve placed it here, in an easily accessible location, where I can quickly edit the text of this tutorial for as long as I can remember the password.  Who knows, should I find myself short of material again, I may start posting my journal article on Vico, grad school essays, and so on…


This tutorial is intended to help readers understand how certain aspects of Microsoft’s new Atlas technology works. Atlas is intended to simplify the development of AJAX-style functionality. As with all technologies, however, to use a tool well, it is important to understand the underlying technology that Atlas abstracts. One of the key Atlas abstractions is the new XML markup syntax developed to make coding with Atlas easier. With XML markup, developers can modify their code declaratively. However, there are times when a developer may want to be able to change her code programmatically, and in order to accomplish this, she will need to understand that underneath the markup abstraction, she is actually dealing with good ‘ol JavaScript and some custom JavaScript libraries developed by Microsoft. In order to demonstrate the relationship between the Atlas declarative model and the programmatic model, I will go through a series of examples in which the same task will be accomplished both declaratively and programmatically. I will be demonstrating how to use the AtlasUIDragDrop library file to perform basic drag-drop operations as well as set up drop zones.


As I write this, Atlas is still in beta, and continues to change. These examples apply to the April CTP of Atlas. Newer releases of Atlas may affect the accuracy of this tutorial. I will attempt to update the code as new versions of Atlas become available. Atlas only works with .NET 2.0.