Presenting at CodeStock 2009 dot dot dot question mark

CodeStock, which will be held on June 26th and June 27th in Knoxville, TN, has an interesting way of selecting speakers.  While a speakers committee ultimately decides who will speak at the event, all registrants (it’s $25 this year) also have a say in who they are interesting in hearing.

I’ve submitted two presentations this year but at the moment still have no idea if I’ll ultimately be delivering either.

The first is a version of the pleasantly successful REST-ful WCF presentation I did at Atlanta Code Camp, with additional material covering the release of the WCF REST Starter Kit 2.

The second is an overview of the MVC, MVP, and MVVM UI design patterns.  There are lots of good articles available on the net about how to use each one individually.  I want to give a more synoptic view of how they are related, and their advantages and disadvantages with regard to particular .NET platforms.

I don’t know anyone in Knoxville, so if you are planning on attending CodeStock this year, please drop me a line in the comments so I can make plans to meet up with you.

One thought on “Presenting at CodeStock 2009 dot dot dot question mark

  1. It’s both awesome and frustrating. I’ve also submitted a few sessions and, like everyone else, i would like to know asap if they’ve been accepted; however, i like the approach of the community choosing the topics. Anyway, I did vote for your patterns (MVC, MVP, and MVVM) talk. Good luck.


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